(2014, CreateSpace): Professional Money Raising for Schools provides a step-by-step process to raise large amounts of money for private schools Techniques include tapping individual and corporate giving, events, and grants. The book was based on the authori's 15+ years of experience in professional fundraising. You can purchase the book at this link: PROFESSIONAL MONEY RAISING
(Spring 2025, Blyden Square Books). Glinda's Ruby Slipperstells the story of how actress Billie Burke fought MGM to rebuild her career once the studio threatened to let her go. The story unfolds during the filming of the Wizard of Oz (1938-39) while Billie played Glinda. NOTE: The book is contracted for publication and in the final editing stage at the publisher. The cover is not yet designed.
(April 2024, John Hunt P). Spiritual Nutrition presents research and theory on how maintaining high vibrational energy through health eating, exercise, meditation, and spiritual practice builds your physical, social, spiritual, and psychological health. The practices also help build a peaceful world.
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